mailing list




P O P S   F E R N A N D E Z
I N T E R N E T  
M A I L I N G   L I S T

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Come and join the new mailing list-

To subscribe in the mailing list just simply
send an email to
Below are the other email addresses.

Community email addresses:
Post message:
List owner:

If you're not sure about the instructions then go to the net
and take this Shortcut URL to this page:

Now if you still are confused. And I was
for about a micro second there. Then drop
a friendly e-mail to the watcher of the list- "Lynne"
You can reach Lynne at:


" So, what cha waiting for? "

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Join in the cheer for our favorite concert artist!

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Information on how to join
Regine Velasquez Internet Mailing Lists
for old, young and new fans alike!

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Alot of talk about upcoming concerts and shows. Fans
exchanging their opinions among themselves. And other
stuff fans usually do when they get together like this.

To join the new egroup list click on the following:

Or click on this link:
And type in 'regine velasquez' in their search box.

If you still having problems figuring it out
Then drop the person who formed the list
and monitors it.

Her name and e-mail address is: Cezcille
reach her at:

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To join
Wink's Regine Mailing List
of updates by
e-mailing her saying "you are interested" at:

When you're on this list you'll receive news
and updates about Regine from So, who is the
web keeper of the
Dainty's Regine Site.
The most heartfelt and personal Regine fan site yet!

Note:This list is a private exchange between you
and the list keeper.

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The New Pops Fernandez Internet Mailing List

midi playing: "Mr. Postman"