One more old shot:

you and me
we were getting to be
such very good friends
you and me
it was so hard to see
how our story could end
but lonely rooms
and broken tunes
love couldn't help but bend
some people say
that's the way
being just friends...

But somewhere down
the road
i know our roads will cross again
it doesn't really matter when
but somewhere down the down
i hope that heart of yours will come to see
that you still belong with me
letting go
is just another way
to say i'll always love you so ...
we had the right love
at the wrong time -
but maybe the best is yet to come
and maybe we only just begun
somewhere down the road

Hidden pages on site:
Kuh Ledesma
Regine Velasquez
1-Million Peso
Back to Pops Fernandez

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This web page was made by: MusicMan Jun
-T h e B a n
d R o o m-
midi playing:
"Somewhere Down The Road"