Remembering when ...

Pops exchanging Valentine cards with
He really looks young here.

" Each day with
is like a Valentine "
-words to one of Martin's songs.

A shot taken long ago.

And not too long ago.
Maybe all it needs is time.
Time to heal some of the wounds.
And in time maybe they'll become
somewhat close again and at least
be able to be friends for each other.
I know there are fans that want to see
them together as a family again. I know
allot of sincere people feel no matter what-
families should always stay together.
Some say if only for the children.
Others in respect to our religious beliefs.
I agree to all of it. But though life can
seem like it's all clear in black & white
that isn't always the truth. Sometimes black
is white and white is black. And sometimes
we have to accept what we normally wouldn't
even though our understanding tells us otherwise.
I like them both. But with Pops
I trust her judgment. If she feels she's
doing what she has to do then let her. I think she knows
better. We the fans certainly wouldn't compared what she knows.
She not the kind of person to do things
without a justified reason.
We should give what we can offer the most-
our heartfelt prayers for both of them
and their children. That they all get through
this painful time in their lives without
it effecting them in any negative manner.
Life is living. And I pray they all continue
to live productive lives. And that they find
solace in their music that we hope won't end.

As of recent, Martin's music
seems to be 'on the right track' again.
Good for him.
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The last time
most of us saw them together.
Midi Playing:
"The Old Songs"