"Greetings" from MusicMan
- Pops Photo Album - PAGES: 1 -Magazine covers 2 -ConcerT posTers/ Album covers 3 -Yushy's shoTs 4 -More shoTs and scans... 5 -Pops & her boys... ( noT BoyFRiends ) 6 -Black & WhiTe ShoTs/ VIKTORIA's Page/ mailing list info 7 -concerT posTer and other new shots! 8 -Award show/ Being interviewed in style. 9 -Joey Albert's album/ Pops poses/ In concert 10 -"Cleo-Pop-tra" /Short story from MusicMan.(It's clean) 11 -couple of new shots from storage. -couple of new shots from storage.13 -PoPs & kUh mAgAzInE cOvEr tOgEtHeR. 14 -Pops in a blue dress/ Oakland concert poster 15 -Magazine covers of Pops Fernandez 16 -More Front Covers of Mazazines with Pops on it. 17 -Pops Retro dress/ SUPERGIRL (Pops wears a cape)/ with ALL her boys 18 -The Nievera Family as we known them. 19 -PicTures oF MarTin and Pops. 20 -One more cover of Pops & Marty/ not-so-hidden sites doorway. Back to:
There are three additional hidden web pages in this web site. Three celebrities that have a close personal and business relationship with Pops. Can you guess who they are? Oh, don't bother- Just click on the question mark icons and see for yourself. hehe...
Hey Dudes. Want a dream date? (Oh boy,oh boy) Hey...that's not Dessa! ______________
Our Band House Thank you for coming Music Fan. MusicMan's "Pops Fernandez Page"